Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Wilting Flower

We have these lovely Magnolia trees along the side of our house and they create the most beautiful blossoms.  Its been do dang HOT lately though!!!  These poor flowers always look so bright and beautiful in the morning and by the end of the day they are a brown wilted mess!  Thats kind of how I have felt lately...I start out the day ok, ya know get all dressed, make-up, hair brushed and neat, smelling nice and feeling pretty good.  BUT the moment I break the seal between my constant 73 degree dry indoor environment and expose myself to the hell that is a Houston Summer, its all down hill.  We start our day fairly early and, though Cami is at school, Aidan and I are out at Gymboree, playdates, or music.  By the time I pick Cami up at noon, I am so DONE!  My mood has changed, my hair is frizzy, my make-up has melted and I carry a thin film of dried sweat on my skin...all this is amplified by hormones and what feels like a human incubator wrapped around my body.  So here I sit at 20 weeks (almost 21) wondering how in the world Im gonna make it through the rest of this summer.  That mid-pregnancy burst of energy HAS to kick in soon!  Til then Im praying for rain and a breeze...and for those of you that have the misfortune of crossing my overly emotional path,  bear with me this too shall pass and we will have a beautiful baby girl to show for it!
Posting a picture of one of our Magnolias in full bloom, so when you see one all brown and wilted know that she was once fresh and lovely and Im sure thats how she would want you to think of her.

1 comment:

KatyTexasMommy said...

Don't you adore magnolia's? I have a few myself and I just love them.

I like to break out one of the Tiffany crystal bowls and lay some in water and let them drift about sitting on one of my furniture peices. It really is a lovely smell and is free and girly. Its perfect!