So heres my two week old sleepy little cupcake. She always looks so happy and content when she sleeps. I sometimes just sit and watch her with her random smiles, soft little sighs and her eyes moving under her eyelids and I wonder "what is she dreaming about?" Her world is so simple right now. She wakes up to eat and get a diaper change or just to look around for an hour or so before slipping back into quiet content sleep. So what is going on behind those eyelids?? Does she dream of her brother's kisses? Her sister's songs? Her daddy's touch? Her mommy's snuggles? Gramma's laugh? As much as I cant wait for her to be more awake and expressive, I also want it to go by slow. These moments pass too fast...but I know I'll have glimpses back to these days when I watch her sleep like her 2 year old brother and 5 year old sister. It doesn't matter how much they grow, they all have that same expression of quiet comfort when they sleep. At the end of the day, when you see them so peaceful, all seems right with the world.
Absolute sweetness!!!
beautiful baby! this is such a sweet picture.
I cry every time I read your blog. When do these hormones settle down? She is precious.
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