Thursday, February 5, 2009

Water Baby

Aislyn had her first swim lesson today.  We started all of the kids young to avoid all of the anxiety about water.  They learn the rules about pools and safety early on and though I would NEVER leave them unattended, I know that if they get in a situation their odds of a positive outcome are increased.  This has already been proven when Cami fell in a pool his past summer fully clothed and caught off guard.  There were adults all around and a dear friend of ours even dove in to save her...but she had already saved herself.  
Anyway, Aislyn had a wonderful time.  She loves the sensation of warm water and often closes her eyes and starts to doze during baths.  We call bath time "spa time" at our house because she finds it so relaxing.  It was the same in the pool.  The water was warm and as soon as she laid back (in the float position) she was calm and relaxed.  She didnt even mind putting her face in the water!


Heather O said...

I think its amazing that babies so young can go to swimming! She is gorgeous. All of your babies are absolutely beautiful :)

Ariana Carruth said...

Oh my goodness she is so cute in her swimsuit! Adorable!!!

Ashley said...

Yes, she is adorable! Sitting up like that, she looks bigger. :( She growing so fast, Cathy! It's awesome that you'll have your 365 to look back on how they all grew this year. :)