Friday, December 12, 2008

Two Months Old

Where oh where does the time go!?  Two months already!  You had your two month check up this past Wednesday December 10.  Daddy took you to this one because mommy was sick sick sick!  Dr. Knoebel says you look absolutely perfect!  You weigh 10 pounds even now!  I cant believe how big you are getting.  You are still a wonderful sleeper at night, but during the day you love to be cuddled and snuggled...which is ok with me!  You have started spitting up a bit.  You used to never spit up but its becoming a habit these days.  Dr. Knoebel says that it doesnt seem to be affecting  your growth or your mood so not to worry.  The Gripe Water Marlene gave us is really coming in absolutely LOVE the stuff and it kicks in right away when you seem to have a bubbly tummy, helps with the spitting up a bit too.  Now for the bad news...FIVE shots and one oral vaccine!  You were not happy about this at all and it ruined the rest of your day and night.  However you were back to your sweet self the very next day.
On another note, Cami and Aidan have stopped constantly "bothering" you.  They still love to look at you and hold you, but its not a daily wrestling match to see who can get to you first.  Cami likes to draw pictures of you and for you and Aidan likes to sing "Hush Little Baby" to you.  Mommy and Daddy just wish we could freeze time and keep you little for just a little longer.

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